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Posts Tagged ‘september

new year, new birthday season

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new year’s eve/day for most is a time of transition. for me, that transition is from one year of birthdays to the next. that’s really the only purpose of a new year, as far as i can tell. i’m pretty sure that i know someone who has a birthday on just about every day of the year. i guess that’s what happens when you have 60+ first cousins and an ever-expanding group of friends.

it’s weird that birthdays are just on repeat forever.

the first big one of the year belongs to my sister (no offense, bridget/others). she’s turning 28 on january 14th. which is weird because my mom tells people that she (my mom) is only 26. something doesn’t add up. it’s going to be my sister’s last birthday as a legally single lady, so put your hands up! maybe i can convince her to come out and join the world for a drink. doubtful.

cold weather birthdays are for the birds.

i think that we should start doing the one-gathering-for-a-whole-month-of-birthdays every month. we’ve been doing that for september birthdays for years now, and it’s worked out quite nicely. maybe i’m just jealous that people with birthdays in all the other months don’t have to share their birthiversary spotlight.

i’m drinking milk that expired 6 days ago; i regret nothing!

cows and pigs, every day.

Written by aaron

January 5, 2010 at 4:03 pm